Friday, December 14, 2012

Quick Update!

Turns out our internet hotspot didn't work at all in Cambodia, but we are back online and bursting with things to share!  For now, though, three things:

1.  They use U.S. currency in Cambodia, but they will reject your bills if they are too worn, or discolored, or torn.  Check your bills before you leave home.  Also, the ATM's dispense $50's, which can be hard to change (although they will do it for you on the ship).  We brought 200 $1 bills from home and were very glad we did!

2.  Thanks to our miracle-working AMA Waterways tour manager, the Japan Rail passes are safely in hand!  Hooray!!

3.  You will be visiting schools and villages and it will be nice to have something to give to the children.  They sell pencils on the ship but charge $4 for a box of 12.  Bring your own school supplies, stickers, or other trinkets.  One lady brought little rubber "super balls" which were a huge hit!  Also, they desperately need paper, even paper that has been used on one side, for school.

More later.  This is the best trip ever.



  1. Travelers like you knows how to live life to the fullest. :) The only thing you need to consider is to have a nomad travel insurance to support your lifestyle. =)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. All travelers should get informations about destination, secures and anything else before travel to Vietnam.
